
Babalu Aye Statue (8")

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Babalú-Ayé is an Orisha strongly associated with infectious disease and healing. The name Babalú-Ayé translates as “Father, lord of the Earth” and points to the authority this orisha exercises on all things earthly, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpox, leprosy, influenza, Ebola, and HIV/AIDS. Although strongly associated with illness and disease, Babalú-Ayé is also the spirit that cures these ailments.

Orisha Olokun Incantation: “Olokun bring the bell. Bring the iron rod. That I can use to serve my Olokun. So that I can live as my spirits wish. We have met ourselves. Spirits of the water”.

Orishas are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Each Orisha is identified with natural forces as well as with human interests or endeavors. These Orishas are mediators between humanity and the Supreme Being. 

Pray to Orishas because they are already in heaven, and they can intercede for you. In moments of anxiety, you need to hope and believe in something that helps you recover faith and maintain peace in your life.

Statues are prayed to for seeking love, health, fortune, protection, and to lend their energy while casting spells or during rituals. Establish the psychic link within yourself of spiritual awareness, inner peace, and positive transformation. 

Approximately 8"