
Milk of the Beloved Woman Perfume Mistico (Leche De La Mujer Amada): Soulmate Attraction

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“Great spirit of love, I am ready to have a relationship with a wonderful person, who truly gets me, loves me, adores me, and is ready to build a life with me. I choose to believe there is a special person out there for me. My name is written across his/her heart. Please put me on the right track towards true love. Lead me to a place of committed love. I am willing to work on myself and to make myself ready for love. Please grant me the power to look at love through spiritual eyes and to remain sincere about finding the romantic relationship I’ve longed for. Amen.”

Love is one of the major keys to success, with it you can accomplish wonders. Get into the mindset of having a sharing and caring relationship, to help you to be open, understanding, to share your feelings and build a strong relationship which is built on mutual trust. 

Show love by giving someone your full attention, not just making an effort to spend time. This sounds obvious but, especially in the world we live in today, we don’t give people our full undivided attention. We’re busy looking at our phones. Thinking about tomorrow. Watching television. 

Never give up on finding true love. You will find the honest relationship your looking for and it will be full of abundance. You deserve a long lasting romantic relationship. Let go of your past, de-clutter and move forward. We all have been hurt in the past by exes. Do not let the past stop you from expressing love in the present and future. 

You really need to love yourself in order to attract a relationship that is sustainable. Get rid of all of your limiting beliefs and rise above them. You are enough and you are so worthy to find true, lasting, love. Just remember, treat yourself the way you would want your lover to treat you. Think kind thoughts, say kind, loving words and do thoughtful things.

“Today I let go of fear, overthinking, and worries. I now cleanse away the destructive energy.  I am ready to awaken my intuition. I let go of tension. I will release unconscious bad energy to open up to spiritual experience and deep healing. I am ready to let go and release inner conflict and struggle. I choose to think positively and create a wonderful and successful life for myself. I will celebrate each goal I accomplish with gratitude and joy. Every day I will become more confident, powerful, and successful. AMEN.”

Perfume Spray can be used in a vast number of ways. Such as, to anoint candles, ritual tools, material, furniture, money, and other such items. Perfume Spray can be one of the most important tools in your ritual space. Candles, crystals, amulets, talismans and other charms may be anointed with Perfume Spray and this is really a great way to turn simple mundane items into items of magickal power and energy as well as charge already magickally empowered ritual tools. Essential Oil Spray has acquired special symbolical or occult significance and have thus earned a place in spiritual practices and spell craft, according to the nature of the floral and herbal essences that comprise their aroma. 

External use only.