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Nuevo Devocionario Espiritista / Colleccion De Oraciones Escogidas / Allen Kardec / Softcover / 128 Pages

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Nuevo devocionario espiritista. Colección de oraciones escogidas

Oraciones para favores especiales, para los afligidos, para que los malos espíritus se vayan, para pedir consejo y resistir la tentación.

Prayers for special favors, for those who are afflicted, to make bad spirits go away, to ask for advice and to resist temptation.

This softcover book features 128 pages of carefully chosen prayers. It covers various aspects of spiritual devotion, including prayers for specific needs, guidance, and resisting temptation.

Whether you’re seeking solace or spiritual connection, this collection provides a valuable resource for those exploring the world of spiritism.

128 pages