
Orisha Eleggua Guardian of the Crossroads Eleke Necklace: Midnight Crossroads (Black, 32")

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Say a prayer of your choice each time you put on the necklace.

Eleggua is one the most revered and powerful messenger spirit. Eleggua’s function is to test and try out the human spirit and help human beings along their evolutionary paths. One of his main concerns is the enforcement of the divine will and the punishment of those who choose to ignore cosmic laws. He is the owner of the crossroads, the witness of fates and acts as the connecting agent in this world. He lifts us beyond the limitation we impose upon ourselves in daily life. Sacred Eleggua’s colors are red and black plus black and white. His numbers are 3 and 21.

Eleggua Prayer: “To You, Eleggua the guardian of the crossroads, glorious warrior immortal Prince, I raise this humble supplication. Keep evil away from my home, keep my home safe from evil in my absence, and when I am present, when I am awake, and when I am sleeping. You are a sublime and generous protector, who open your heart to all good people, intercede with all your hearts blood, to liberate me from those who would interrupt my path. Give me strength to resist temptation and to know my faults. Protect me and save me from all harm. Amen.”

Orishas are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Each Orisha is identified with natural forces as well as with human interests or endeavors. These Orishas are mediators between humanity and the Supreme Being.

Pray to Orishas because they are already in heaven, and they can intercede for you. In moments of anxiety, you need to hope and believe in something that helps you recover faith and maintain peace in your life.

Bead necklaces can be worn as a rite of passage that helps change a person’s destiny for the better. Think of it as a prescription that should be undertaken by those who have a need for it to heal their lives. “Eleke” means  beads, and the elekes are simple bead necklaces in the patterns and colors of Orishas, Saints, and Gods. It is a good idea to wear it to clear the mind of negativity and connect to higher guidance.

Approximately 32 inches long.