
Our Lady Of Regla Virgin De Regla Statue (12")

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As with Our Lady of Charity, devotion for Our Lady of Regla is part of this wonderful potpourri, which is the basis of the Cuban nationality. The Virgin of Regla is syncretized with the Orisha Yemayá, owner of the moon, the seas and everything that lives there. Lady of Regla’s themes are kinship, protection, kindness, the moon, love, devotion, fertility and relationships. Her symbols are fish, the moon, silver (lunar) or blue items (Her favorite color) and the crab.  This West Indian fish mother swims in with summer rains as the bearer of fertility, family unity, prospective life mate and other traditionally lunar energies. Shown in art looking much like a mermaid, the Lady of Regla is also the patroness of the Cancer astrological sign. 

In astrology, those born under the sign of Cancer have a great deal of compassion, desire family closeness and stability and are ruled by the moon, all of which characterize this Goddess’s energies to a tee. How you emphasize those powers depends on what you need. For harmony at home, add blue highlights to our decorating scheme and ear pale blue clothing when having difficult conversations.

Prayer “Our sovereign Queen and Mother, Our Lady of the Rule, trusting in your motherly love for me I humbly kneel before you, the fount of goodness and mercy. Be my advocate and protector against all ills and miseries, I implore your mercy never to ignore my afflictions that presently torments my soul. Show yourself as a tender mother. Make me your worthy child as I purified my sins through the veneration of your Miraculous Image of the Rule. Refuse not my petition. Your generously aid and protect those who take refuge from you. Help me to be humble and grateful child always as I walk along the part of perfection, following the steps of your Divine son. May I rejoice with you in His presence in the everlasting glory of heaven. AMEN”

Saints are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Each Saint is identified with natural forces as well as with human interests or endeavors. These Saints are mediators between humanity and the Supreme Being. 

Pray to Saints because they are already in heaven, and they can intercede for you. In moments of anxiety, you need to hope and believe in something that helps you recover faith and maintain peace in your life.

Statues are prayed to for seeking love, health, fortune, protection, and to lend their energy while casting spells or during rituals. Establish the psychic link within yourself of spiritual awareness, inner peace, and positive transformation. 

Approximately 12"