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Peaceful Home / Soap Bar / Stop Fighting & Get Along

Lazaro Brand

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Many people believe that a a spiritual shower will put an end to adverse conditions and open the way for luck, love, money, and happiness to enter their lives. It help you stay well and feel more alive, more clear-headed, and more emotionally stable and balanced. The healing powers of herbs, plants and roots to facilitate healing of mind, body and spirit. Take a spiritual cleansing shower as a way to melt away stress, freshen up your aura, and manifest your goals into reality. Spiritual showering is a form of cleansing meant to be a reset button for your energy.

Bring peace and harmony to your home. Stop evil from entering your home. Put an end to bickering and fighting in your home once and for all, and bring your family and loved ones back together again.

Peaceful Home Prayer #1: “Peace come to me, and peace come to my house. May this home be a place of happiness and health, of contentment, generosity, and hope. A home of creativity and kindness. May those who visit and those who live here know only blessing and peace. AMEN.” 

Peaceful Home Prayer #2: “I banish stress and let it go. Life’s too fast, I let it slow. Calmer, balanced and happy now. Banish stress, this I vow. The light of protection I carry is strong so no ill wishes or trouble can come along. You cannot harm me or weaken my soul. My light is my weapon and peace is my goal. AMEN.”

Instructions: As you wash your body in the shower pray to clear your mind and mentally focus on your current goals. Use the moment to connect to your inner source of personal power. Repeat daily or as needed until the bar is finished.