Saint Cipriano (Cyprian) is called the "Saint of Witches" because he was initially a magician/wizard that converted to Christianity due to a Christian woman named Justina. He sent a demon to abduct her, and she repelled the demon by making the sign of the cross. This act moved Cipriano so much, that he became a Christian.
Saint Cyprian of Antioch is particularly well-known for aiding with:
- curse-breaking, spiritual cleansing, and exorcism of persons and spaces
- cultivating skill in the magical and divinatory arts
- procuring, cultivating, and mediating relationships with other magical and spiritual allies
- protection, binding, attack, and reversal magic
- love drawing and love binding magic
"Saint Cyprian of Antioch, I beseech you that those bound by evil spirits and wicked sorceries be unbound. I beseech you to shatter all bewitchments and oppressions. Save us from the dominion of the wild beasts. Saint Cyprian preserve us from all evil sorceries, spirits, and malicious arts. Guard us in thought, action, and feeling. Throw into confusion the wicked ones who seek our lives. Confound them with your power. Holy Saint Cyprian I beseech you to be our guard and savior. By your power may we triumph ever more." - translation of popular prayer to Saint Cyprian of Antioch
Saints are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Each Saint is identified with natural forces as well as with human interests or endeavors. These Saints are mediators between humanity and the Supreme Being.
Pray to Saints because they are already in heaven, and they can intercede for you. In moments of anxiety, you need to hope and believe in something that helps you recover faith and maintain peace in your life.
Say a prayer of your choice each time you light the candle. As soon as you start to feel stressed, please talk to yourself with clear, gentle, and encouraging words that will help you intercede in the stress cycle and bring yourself back to calm.
Prayer is the master key. Prayer is the key to all earthy problems. Praying is more than just mere words, it myst come from deep within you, from you very soul. The exercise of prayer requires tranquility and peace of mind. The essence of prayer is faith, it is your motive power that comes from within you and its movement must be directed upwards to where all earthy favors come from.
Anyone can make their prayers come true. This is as sure as the rise of tomorrow’s sun. If you knew how you would feel if your prayer were answered, and if you could realize, consciously, just how you could awaken such a feeling in yourself, you will travel a long way toward learning how to make your dreams come true. Imagination is the beginning of creation. You must imagine what you desire and believe it to be true. True prayer can come only from within yourself.
Instructions: Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer of your choice. You can put the candle out at anytime or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle. After the candle has fully burned down you can throw away the glass.
This candle is approximately 8” tall and weights 1 LB 11 OZ