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Saint Rocco San Roque / White / 7 Day Prayer Candle / Protection, Healing & Devotion

Lazaro Brand

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Saint Rocco is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as the protector against the plague and all contagious diseases. The statue of Saint Rocco is considered unique among theologians because of his pose. It is most unusual because it depicts him with his left hand pointing to an open sore on his left leg. Few images of saints expose any afflictions or handicaps. His body is enclosed in a glass tomb in the church of San Rocco in Venice, Italy. We commemorate the death of this great follower of Christ on August 16th of each year.

Saint Rocco was born of noble parentage about 1340 A.D. in Montpellier, France. At birth it was noted that he had a red cross-shaped birthmark on the left side of his chest. As a young child, San Rocco showed great devotion to God and the Blessed mother. At an early age, his parents died leaving him an orphan under the care of his uncle, the Duke of Montpellier. Soon after, San Rocco distributed his wealth among the poor and took a vow of poverty.

San Rocco dressed in the clothes of a pilgrim and departed for Rome. At that time, Italy was stricken with a rampant disease. San Rocco cured many of this dreaded disease by praying for them and making the sign of the cross.

During his travels, he too contracted the plague which was evident by an open sore on his leg. Rocco was banished from the city and took refuge in a cave. Here he slept on leaves and drank water from a small stream. Miraculously a dog that refused to eat, faithfully brought him bread as a means of sustenance. The dog used to leave a nearby castle and the Lord of this castle having a curious nature followed this dog into the woods and discovered Rocco. The nobleman had pity on Rocco and brought him to his castle where Rocco was cured.

San Rocco traveled through northern Italy for two or three more years before returning to his birthplace in France. So weak and sick from suffering, the townspeople did not recognize him and he was thrown into jail as a spy without any proof. But yet he was kept in prison for five years. On August 16, 1378, a guard entered his cell and found San Rocco near death. The dungeon was illuminated with a blue light radiating from his body. Upon hearing this, the Governor demanded to know San Rocco's identity. San Rocco faintly replied, I am your nephew Rocco. Only one thing could prove that, so he had him disrobed and the red cross-like mark was visible on the left side of his chest. The Governor and the townspeople present in the cell then believed. A voice from paradise was heard announcing that San Rocco's soul had merited immortal glory in Heaven. Even after his death, San Rocco performed many miracles.

Prayer To Saint Rocco: “O’ Great St. Rocco, deliver us, we beseech thee, from the scourges of God. Through they intersession, preserve our bodies from contagious diseases and our souls from the contagion of sin. Obtain for is salubrious air. But, above all, purity of the heart. St. Rocco, pray for us. AMEN.”

Saints are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Each Saint is identified with natural forces as well as with human interests or endeavors. These Saints are mediators between humanity and the Supreme Being.  

Say a prayer of your choice each time you light the candle. As soon as you start to feel stressed, please talk to yourself with clear, gentle, and encouraging words that will help you intercede in the stress cycle and bring yourself back to calm.    

Prayer is the master key. Prayer is the key to all earthy problems. Praying is more than just mere words, it myst come from deep within you, from you very soul. The exercise of prayer requires tranquility and peace of mind. The essence of prayer is faith, it is your motive power that comes from within you and its movement must be directed upwards to where all earthy favors come from.

Anyone can make their prayers come true. This is as sure as the rise of tomorrow’s sun. If you knew how you would feel if your prayer were answered, and if you could realize, consciously, just how you could awaken such a feeling in yourself, you will travel a long way toward learning how to make your dreams come true. Imagination is the beginning of creation. You must imagine what you desire and believe it to be true. True prayer can come only from within yourself.       

Instructions: Light the candle with a match or lighter and say a prayer of your choice. You can put the candle out at anytime or let it burn to the end. Each time you relight the candle say a prayer to reenergize your goals. You can write your name on the glass of the candle to personalize the prayer. Use a black marker and write your name or another persons name on the candle. After the candle has fully burned down you can throw away the glass. 

This candle is approximately 8” tall and weights 1 LB 11 OZ