Lazaro Brand Add to Cart 7 African Powers 7 Potencias Africanas / 14 Day Jumbo Multicolor Prayer Candle / Overcome Obstacles & Protection MSRP: Was: Now: $17.00 The 7 African Powers are deities of the Yoruba religion. These deities are known as Orishas. Specifi…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart 7 Color / 14 Day Prayer Candle / Goals, Wishes & Dreams MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 7 Color Multi to energize your goals and wishes. Black for separation, to break a spell, or t…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart 7 Swords Of Saint Michael 7 Espadas De San Miguel / 14 Day Jumbo Dressed & Blessed Prayer Candle / Protection, Fight Evil & Justice MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Unilite Candle Company Add to Cart Against Harm Contra Danos / 14 Day Jumbo Fixed Candle / Veladora Preparada / Protection, Energy & Luck MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Unilite Candle Company Add to Cart Black List Dume Lista Negra / 14 Day Jumbo Fixed Candle / Veladora Preparada / End Curses & Remove Unwanted Influences MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Blue / 14 Day Jumbo Prayer Candle / Peace, Wisdom & Legal Matters MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 Blue Candle for peace, wisdom and success in court and legal matters. Let the energy of the blu…
Unilite Candle Company Coconut Coco / 14 Day Jumbo Fixed Candle / Veladora Preparada / Spiritual Cleansing & Good Luck MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Divine Child Jesus Divino Nino / 14 Day Jumbo Dressed & Blessed Prayer Candle / Alleviate Suffering & Divine Blessings MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Green / 14 Day Jumbo Prayer Candle / Good Luck, Money & Health MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 Green candle to draw money and for good luck. Green is the color of nature and t…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart High John The Conqueror San Juan Conquistador / 14 Day Jumbo Purple Prayer Candle / Court Case Victory & Confidence MSRP: Was: Now: $17.00 Conquer your problems with power. Gain inner strength & confidence. Enhance personal s…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Money Clearance / 14 Day Jumbo Dressed & Blessed Prayer Candle / Financial Freedom & Opportunities MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Money Dinero / 14 Day Jumbo Dressed & Blessed Prayer Candle / Financial Freedom & Opportunities MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Unilite Candle Company Add to Cart Mr. Money Don Dinero / 14 Day Jumbo Fixed Candle / Veladora Preparada / End Curses & Remove Unwanted Influences MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Orange / 14 Day Jumbo Prayer Candle / Creativity, Joy & Wellness MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 Orange candle for friendship, stimulation and beneficial dreams. The vibrant hue of orange evok…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Path Opener Abre Camino / 14 Day Jumbo Green Prayer Candle / Success & Clear Obstacles MSRP: Was: Now: $17.00 In life we are on an open road, sometimes this road gets blocked and we face many obstacles. Now is …
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Path Opener Abre Camino / 14 Day Jumbo Multicolor Prayer Candle / Success & Clear Obstacles MSRP: Was: Now: $17.00 In life we are on an open road, sometimes this road gets blocked and we face many obstacles. Now is …
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Pink / 14 Day Jumbo Prayer Candle / Attraction, Affection & Romance MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 Pink candle for attraction, affection and allurement. Open yourself to love. Self love and love…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Purple / 14 Day Jumbo Prayer Candle / Protection & Keep Away Evil MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 Purple candle for power, protection and to keep away evil. Spiritual strength with the color pu…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Red / 14 Day Jumbo Prayer Candle / Power, Energy & Ambition MSRP: Was: Now: $15.00 Red candle for love, sexual energy and domination. Red is the color of energy, p…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Saint Michael San Miguel / 14 Day Jumbo Dressed & Blessed Prayer Candle / Protection, Fight Evil & Justice MSRP: Was: Now: $24.00 Dressed & Blessed candles, prepared with prayers, spiritual oils, herbs, glitter, and other item…