
Brass Bell: Spiritual Cleansing & Ritual Use (5")

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The bell is commonly associated with the Divine and is used most often to invite archangels or faeries into a magical circle in order to offer protection or wisdom. In some cultures, the ringing of the bell is also used as a way to clear out negative energies. Bells are commonly representative of joy and freedom, as with the American Liberty Bell. The shape of the bell is closely related to the vault of Heaven. A bell's pendulous motion can represent the extremes of good and evil, death and immortality. In Christianity, the ringing of church bells is traditionally believed to drive out demons and other unclean spirits.

The bell hits the clapper to produce sound energy. So the bell moves, the clapper strikes the bell and some of the kinetic energy is transformed into sound. Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrations that travel through air and we are able to hear. The bell is commonly associated with the Divine and is used most often to invite archangels or faeries into a magical circle in order to offer protection or wisdom. The energy that the bell creates reverberates and is by some considered to be a pleasant vibration. This vibration is a calling to the energies and elementals that it is time for their presence or that they are encouraged to participate in a ritual setting.
