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Love / Amor / Floor Wash / 16oz / Attraction, Harmony, Emotional Connection / Add to floor wash or sprinkle around home

Lazaro Brand

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Lazaro Brand Spiritual Blog Article link to read article about the Love Floor Wash  - "Unlock the Magic of Love with Amor Floor Wash: Elevate Your Space and Spirit"

Enhance your spiritual rituals and promote positive energy in your life with Lazaro Brand Floor Wash. Each blend is infused with powerful ingredients to cleanse your aura, uplift your spirit, and create a sacred space for personal transformation. Floor Wash will help you cleanse away negativity and invite in peace, prosperity, and protection.

  1. 7 Powers / 7 Potencias: Offers strength and protection through the combined power of the seven African powers, overcoming obstacles. 
  2. 7X7 Triple Action / 7X7 Accion Triple: A potent spiritual wash for protection, strength, and overcoming obstacles in all areas of life. 
  3. Against Envy / Contra Envidia: Stops jealousy and gossip, protecting you from the effects of envious attacks. 
  4. Call Customers / Llama Clientes: A wash to attract new clients and boost sales, helping your business thrive. 
  5. Camphor / Alcanfor: A powerful cleansing wash to clear away negative energies and promote spiritual clarity in your space. 
  6. Chinese Wash / Lavado Chino: Clears away bad luck and negative energy, bringing good fortune and prosperity. 
  7. Citronella / Citronela: A refreshing wash that promotes purification, creativity, and vibrant energy in your space. 
  8. Coconut / Coco: Cleanses and renews spiritual energy, offering protection and spiritual cleansing for your home. 
  9. Destroy All Evil / Arrasa Con Todo: A strong cleansing wash for spiritual warfare, banishing hexes and negative influences. 
  10. Dispel Evil Spirits / Espanta Muerto: Banishes evil spirits and negative influences, ensuring spiritual protection and peace. 
  11. Evil Eye / Mal De Ojo: Wards off jealousy and negative intentions, protecting your space from envy and harm. 
  12. Fast Luck / Suerte Rapida: A fast-acting wash to bring quick luck, especially in gambling and financial matters. 
  13. High John The Conqueror / San Juan Conquistador: Provides strength and confidence, bringing victory in court cases and overcoming struggles. 
  14. Hot Business / Caliente Negocio: Increases business expansion and sales flow, drawing in customers and wealth. 
  15. Love / Amor: A floor wash to attract love, harmony, and emotional connection, creating a peaceful and loving environment. 
  16. Many Customers / Mucha Gente: Attracts customers and success, helping to grow your business and increase sales flow. 
  17. Money Drawing / Atraccion De Dinero: Attracts wealth and financial success, opening pathways for prosperity and opportunities. 
  18. Mr. Money / Don Juan Dinero: Attracts financial abundance and gambling success, promoting wealth and business growth. 
  19. Orisha Eleggua / Orisha Eleggua: Dedicated to Orisha Eleggua, providing protection, guidance, and road opening in your life. 
  20. Orisha Oshun / Orisha Oshun: A wash dedicated to Orisha Oshun, promoting fertility, abundance, and passion in your life. 
  21. Path Opener / Abre Camino: Opens pathways to new opportunities and clears away blockages to success. 
  22. Patchouli / Pachuli: Attracts peace, happiness, and love, creating a harmonious and joyful environment. 
  23. Peaceful Home / Paz En El Hogar: Brings peace and tranquility to your home, promoting safety, comfort, and harmony. 
  24. Protection / Proteccion: Protects against harm and spiritual attacks, creating a shield of safety and defense. 
  25. Pure House / Limpia Casa: Purifies your home, removing negative energy and inviting peace, harmony, and balance. 
  26. Raise Business / Levanta Negocio: A wash designed to grow your business by attracting customers and increasing sales. 
  27. Reversible / Reversible: Reverses bad luck and negative energy, bringing protection and turning harmful intentions away. 
  28. Rue / Ruda: Opens roads and removes obstacles, bringing success and protection from negative forces. 
  29. Saint Michael / San Miguel: Calls upon Saint Michael for protection, justice, and victory over evil forces. 
  30. Spiritual Broom / Escoba Espiritual: Sweeps away negative energies, spirits, and hexes, protecting your home from harm. 
  31. Stop Evil / Contra Mal: A wash designed to protect against harmful forces and negativity, creating a barrier of safety. 
  32. Take Away Evil / Quita Maldicion: Removes evil influences and curses, bringing peace and restoration to your space. 
  33. The Bomb / La Bomba: A powerful spiritual cleanser to break curses, banish negativity, and protect your space. 
  34. Uncrossing / Descruzar: Clears away crossed conditions and obstacles, opening paths to success and freedom. 

Instructions for Use: These spiritual floor washes are designed to cleanse and protect your space, bringing powerful energy into your home, business, or environment. Here are several creative ways to use the floor wash:

Traditional Floor Wash: Dilute a capful of the floor wash in a bucket of water and mop your floors as usual. Focus on your intentions (e.g., attracting prosperity, removing negativity) while cleaning.

Doorways and Entrances: Pour a small amount of the diluted floor wash across your doorways, entry points, or windowsills to create a barrier of protection or invite positive energies into your space.

Sprinkling Method: For areas you cannot mop, sprinkle the diluted floor wash around the perimeter of the room, along baseboards, or in corners. Let it air dry naturally to allow the energy to settle.

Add to Cleaning Solutions: Add a few drops of the floor wash to your regular cleaning supplies (like sprays or water) to spiritually cleanse surfaces and objects as you clean them.

Pour Outdoors: To extend the spiritual protection beyond your home, pour some of the diluted wash along the edges of your property, around gardens, or at your front porch to keep negativity away.

**Important:** This product is **not for use on the skin**. It is meant to be used only on floors, surfaces, or in spiritual rituals for your space. Always keep out of reach of children and pets.

16oz twist top bottle.