
4" Orange Pillar Candle: Success, Creativity & Positivity - Enhance your creative space or boost your confidence.

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Colors evoke feelings and emotions, some of us are drawn to certain colors and yet find other colors very unappealing. Color effects our mood and has more influence on our lives than we may think. You have the power to create whatsoever you will pertaining to human life. You have the power to determine what you shall create and when and where you wish to create it. Also, means that you have the power to create what you want, now.

As soon as you start to feel stressed, please talk to yourself with clear, gentle, and encouraging words that will help you intercede in the stress cycle and bring yourself back to calm. Remove the energetic debris to clean up yourself spiritually. Break away from the negative forces that have consumed your life. Make room for an uplifting positive energy to take hold.

The color orange radiates warmth and happiness, combining the physical energy and stimulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow. The vibrant hue of orange evokes ambition and creativity.  Orange candles are well-suited for career workings, or any other time you need to assert your strength and individuality. Orange offers emotional strength in difficult times. It helps you to bounce back from disappointments and despair, assisting in recovery from grief.

The color psychology of orange is optimistic and uplifting, rejuvenating your spirit. In fact orange is so optimistic and uplifting that we should all find ways to use it in our everyday life, even if it is just an orange colored pen that we use.

Orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great color to use during tough economic times, keeping us motivated and helping us to look on the bright side of life.

The color orange relates to social communication, stimulating two way conversations. A warm and inviting color, it is both physically and mentally stimulating, so it gets people thinking and talking!

Positive Outlook Prayer: “May this day be blessed with gifts, lessons, understanding and friends. May my energy be a gift to all I meet. Let me be centered, healing and open. May I face the day with courage kindness, insight and compassion May my spirit and body, honor this day. Bless this day.  Keep me safe and whole. Bless my path. Help me act with wisdom. I am ready to face the day with courage, kindness, insight and compassion. AMEN.”

4" x 1/2"