Lazaro Brand Add to Cart 7 African Powers / 7 Potencias / Spiritual Perfume / 1 oz / Wisdom & Protection / Overcome Obstacles / Use to call upon ancestral wisdom and protection. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.00 The 7 African Powers are deities of the Yoruba religion. These deities are known as Orishas. Specifi…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart 7 Males / 7 Machos / Spiritual Perfume / 1 oz / Love & Good Luck / Positive Attraction / Use to boost personal charm and attraction. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.00 The image on the perfume label shows 7 horned billy goats, known for their powerful sexuality and th…
Urania Add to Cart 7 Males / Siete Machos / Aerosol Spray / 7.75oz / Love & Good Luck / Spray to attract love and good fortune. MSRP: Was: Now: $12.00 Create an environment of relaxation and tranquility as the spray's aromatic essence lingers, promoti…
Urania Add to Cart 7 Males / Siete Machos / Locion / Cologne / 3.72oz / Love & Good Luck / Wear to attract love and good luck daily. MSRP: Was: Now: $10.00 Create an environment of relaxation and tranquility as the spray's aromatic essence lingers, promoti…
Urania Add to Cart 7 Males / Siete Machos / Locion / Cologne / 33.82oz / Love & Good Luck / Apply for enhanced luck and love attraction. MSRP: Was: Now: $42.00 Create an environment of relaxation and tranquility as the spray's aromatic essence lingers, promoti…
Urania Add to Cart 7 Males / Siete Machos / Locion / Cologne / 7.44oz / Love & Good Luck / Use to draw positive energies and love. MSRP: Was: Now: $17.00 Create an environment of relaxation and tranquility as the spray's aromatic essence lingers, promoti…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Dispell Evil / Espanta Muerto / Spiritual Perfume / 1 oz / Protection & Banishment / Keep Away Negativity / Apply to banish evil and negativity. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.00 Break a curse, banish bad luck, get rid of negative energy, end bad habits, send away unwanted spiri…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Fast Luck / Suerte Rapida / Spiritual Perfume / 1 oz / Quick Success & Good Fortune / Positive Energy / Apply to attract quick luck and good fortune. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.00 Feel the powerful presence of good luck to attract good fortune, wealth, and prosperity into your li…
Lazaro Brand Add to Cart Go Away Evil / Quita Maldicion / Spiritual Perfume / 1 oz / Banishment & Protection / Remove Curses / Use to remove curses and protect against negativity. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.00 Break a curse, banish bad luck, get rid of negative energy, end bad habits, send away unwanted spiri…